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Rabenhorst Organic Red Grape & Pomegranate Juice 750ml有機綜合紅葡萄紅石榴原汁

RM 21.38
Rabenhorst Organic Red Grape & Pomegranate Juice 750ml有機綜合紅葡萄紅石榴原汁 Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
Organic red grape and pomegranate juice - 100% Pure Juice
By complementing intense tart pomegranate juice with high-quality grape juice, we have created a delicious drink that’s easy on the palate. The result is a premium 100 % pure juice with a special pomegranate taste that, without being overwhelmed, is supported by the natural sweetness of grapes.

The pomegranate, whose original home was in Central and Eastern Asia, is characterized by its unusual, bitter-fruity flavour and the intense colour of its pips. In combination with high-quality red grape juice, it becomes a source of special enjoyment.

成分:有機紅葡萄原汁(75%)、有機紅石榴原汁(25%) 。


• 紅葡萄和紅石榴提供豐富植化素
• 不額外加糖

Rabenhorst位於德國的萊茵河畔,擁有200多年歷史。Rabenhorst的成功故事開始於1805年的牧師Lauffs的葡萄園。大約93年後,Lauffs家族利用巴氏消毒法將葡萄汁成功推廣其作為“非酒精類飲品”。 Rabenhorst於1969年委託其第一有機農業研究所-生態農藝卡塞爾大學,進行控制有機農耕的有關活動。在果園中新鮮採下的水果,到達工廠後,均經過嚴格的標準檢查,在特別設計的內部壓機器壓制,將保留水果的原汁原味。同時確保整個過程,不含任何防腐劑或其他添加劑。

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