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CL VITA Chewable C 500 Plus Chewable Tablet Vitamin C Zinc Vitamin D3 Bioflavonoids Vitamin (18's x 3g)

RM 19.20
CL VITA Chewable C 500 Plus Chewable Tablet Vitamin C Zinc Vitamin D3 Bioflavonoids Vitamin (18's x 3g) Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
*Convenient and easy to bring
*Safe and hygienic design
*Fall resistant
*Provides high strength Vitamin C and combination of Vitamin D + Rosehip Extract + Zinc + Citrus Bioflavonoids in one serving
*vitamin C form (L-ascorbic acid) is used instead of sodium ascorbate
*No added sugar
*Free from animal ingredients – Suitable for vegetarian
*No added preservatives, chemical additives, artificial colouring and flavouring agents
Vitamin C 500mg, Zinc 5mg, Vitamin D3 100IU, Citrus Bioflavonoids 20mg,
Rosehip Extract 10mg

Benefits of Vitamin C
Vitamin C:
-Improves immunity
-Strong antioxidant effect
-People with scurvy are extremely vulnerable to potentially fatal infections, such as pneumonia

-85% of the body’s zinc is found in the muscles and bones, 11% is found in the skin and liver, and the rest is found in all other tissues. The prostate and eyes have the highest concentration.
-Can help wounds heal.
-Improve immune function and taste sharpness
-Able to help blood coagulation, prostate and bone production, fetus and sperm production.

Vitamin D3:
– Important element for bone, nerve and muscle health by maintaining calcium and phosphorus level
– Maintaining and strengthening the immune system
-Prevention of rickets in children
-Vitamin D also has immunomodulatory properties that may change the infection response in the body

Citrus Bioflavonoids (Hesperidin):
-Usually combined with vitamin C
-Improve vascular conditions and poor blood circulation.
– Poor blood circulation will slow down the oxygen transport to cells and your body may not work properly with low oxygen levels.

Rosehip Extract:
- Rosehip extract contains polyphenols and anthocyanins, which can relieve joint inflammation and prevent joint damage.
- Rosehip hips are rich in vitamin C and have anti-oxidant (Antioxidant) properties. Antioxidants are substances made inside cells that can replace harmful molecules (free radicals), preventing tissue damage or disease.
- Some studies have also found that rose hip fruit can reduce the production of certain enzymes in the body that destroy cartilage.


Suitable for people with weakened immune system and those who want to strengthen their immunity

Certified from:
-ISO 9001

*一次份即可提供高剂量的维生素C和其他营养素组合 (维生素 D3 + 蔷薇果萃取 + 柑橘类生物黄酮素 + 锌)
*采用纯维生素C (L-ascorbic acid) 而非抗坏血酸钠 (Sodium ascorbate)
* 适合素食者

维生素C 500mg, 锌 5mg, 维生素D3 100IU, 柑橘类生物黄酮素 20mg, 蔷薇果萃取10mg

维生素C 的好处

-全身 85% 的锌存在于肌肉和骨骼中,11% 存在于皮肤和肝脏,其余在所有其他组织中,前列腺和眼睛部分的浓度最高。

-维生素 D 还具有免疫调节作用可能改变体内感染反应的特性

– 血液循环不良会导致氧气输送缓慢到细胞,进而导致身体无法正常运作

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