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Earth Living QUANTUM 28 [850G]

RM 58.90
Earth Living QUANTUM 28 [850G] Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
*Vegan Food
*No Dairy
*No Preservative
*No Trans-Fat
Country of Origin: Australia
Earth Living Quantum 28, is a beverage empowered with 28 types health contributing grains, seeds and herbs, packed with all important nutrients you can ask for to run your day ! This most seeked for powdered beverage is not only rich in protein, vitamins, essential and trace minerals but also various phytochemicals required to function our general health well-being. It helps boost stamina, provides sustaining energy, improves blood flow, high indigestible fibres help maintain healthy digestive tract and flush off toxins, soluble fibre like beta-glucan for heart protective and lowers blood lipids properties. An ultimate beverage to nurture and nourish full body functions. Suitable for all age group's, stay healthy with Quantum 28!
What's so special about Earth Living Quantum 28 Powder?
Use high quality ingredients with modernized technology to create these grains and other essential ingredients into powder form for instant consumption without altering their nutrients quality. A super food beverage full of nutrients and minerals designed for those who envy the goodness of millet and yet cannot spare one's time to prepare it. Earth Living makes it possible for you to enjoy this beneficial drink in our 'rush rush' world today.
We assure you that our Quantum 28 Powder contains only high quality pure ingredient. It strictly contains no GMO ingredients, no chemical additives, no preservatives, no colourings, no flavourings, no trans-fat, no sweetener, no dairy especially no anti-caking agent.
Health Benefits:
• Anti-Aging - Property of Anthocyanins - Improve mental & memory functions
• Blood Health - Property of Flavonoids - Fight free - radicals.
• Bone & Teeth Health - Property of Zeaxanthin - balance liver toxicity & functions
• Vision & Immunity - Property of Carotenoids - improve eye & skin health
• Cardiovascular Health - Property of Quercetin - maintain cholesterol levels
• Gastrointestinal Health - Property of Lignans - balance & cleanse gut system
• Nerves Health - Property of Phytonutrients - anti-inflammatory
Ingredients: Organic Oat Milk **, Organic Soy Powder **, Beetroot Powder, Soy Lecithin (Non-GMO), Brown Rice Powder, Rice Bran, Buckwheat, Mungbean, Flower Bean, Green Pea, Corn, Pine Nut, Gingko, Walnut, Lotus Seed, Lily Turf, Chinese Yam, Euryale Seed, Poris, Medlar, Lily Millet, Oligosaccharides **NASAA Certified
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